Denzel
Washington
and
director
Antoine
Fuqua
are
once
again
teaming
up
to
give
movie
lovers
something
to
remember.
But
this
time,
the
legendary
actor
will
be
handing
out
fades
in
ancient
times
as
the
revered
director
is
looking
to
the
past
for
his
latest
epic,
which
will
premier
on
Netflix.
According
to
Variety,
Washington
and
Fuqua
are
set
to
tackle
the
legend
of
the
ancient
Carthaginian
general
known
as
Hannibal,
who
took
on
the
Roman
Republic
during
the
second
Punic
War
in
B.C.
Known
as
one
of
the
greatest
generals
in
military
history,
Hannibal
was
as
much
a
warrior
as
he
was
a
strategic
mastermind
and
went
on
to
conquer
many
Italian
cities
during
his
historic
battle
with
the
Roman
Republic.
Sounds
like
a
winner
already.
Variety
Reports:
Hannibal
invaded
Italy
while
riding
a
Northern
African
war
elephant.
Under
his
lead,
the
Carthaginians
won
key
victories
against
the
Romans,
allowing
Hannibal
to
occupy
the
majority
of
southern
Italy
for
years.
Eventually,
Hannibal
was
defeated
by
the
Romans
at
the
Battle
of
Zama
after
they
counter-invaded
North
Africa.
Washington
produces
the
film
alongside
Erik
Olsen,
Adam
Goldworm
and
Fuqua
via
his
Hill
District
Media’s
first-look
deal
with
Netflix.
Though
the
film
is
still
untitled,
it
will
be
written
by
the
three-time
Academy
Award
winner
John
Logan,
who
penned
classics
such
as
Martin
Scorsese’s
The
Aviator
and
Ridley
Scott’s
Gladiator.
In
short,
Denzel
and
Antoine
are
going
for
the
Oscar
gold
with
this
latest
project,
and
we
can’t
wait
to
see
what
they
cook
up
when
it’s
all
said
and
done.
No
word
on
when
production
is
set
to
start
or
when
the
film
is
expected
to
release,
but
best
believe
we’ll
be
patiently
waiting
with
the
popcorn
for
this
to
hit
Netflix
sometime
in
the
future.
Will
you
be
looking
forward
to
Denzel
Washington
conquering
his
foes
during
the
B.C.
era?
Let
us
know
in
the
comments
section
below.