Twitter has been keeping my side cramped this week with some of the most foul, funny, and freaky posts that I have honestly seen in a long time. This has been some of the most wild content that I’ve consistently ran across in recent years. From Ice Spice’s scat fetish to b!tches with skinny titties, I present to you the dirtiest tweets from the first week of June 2024.
Never let a skinny titty bitch argue with you
This has to be one of the funniest tweets I ever seen in my life. Who even thinks of this stuff bro
Angel Reese Be Like ☠️☠️☠️:
I got a good chuckle out of this because when I saw the original video of Angel Reese walking in those heels I said this has to be the first or second time this girl wore heels bro ☠️
Candied fried chicken takes “Big Back Negro” to a whole nother dimension ☠️
As someone who absolutely loves fried chicken ( and is a pro at eating chicken wings ), I was enlightened to scroll past a tweet that read “Candied Popeyes” for a second until I actually thought about what was happening here. How are we supposed to make it past 50 eating shit like this? ☠️☠️☠️
Ice Spice a freaky ass munchkin ☠️☠️
I ran across a tweet by someone who pointed out a pretty wild assumption about Ice Spice, but after analyzing the situation I can’t really question the allegations ☠️☠️☠️
Demarcus can’t “Go” like he used to but he still the goat
Real OG’s remember the infamous “Go Demarcus” music video from like, what 15 years ago? I remember when I first saw the video of that little black boy singing his heart out and dancing like a fool at the end. I loved that video so much that I showed it to my kids just last year. A recent documentary caught up with adult Demarcus and his sister, where he can be seen trying to pull off his infamous nigga flip but an injury (apparently caused by being shot) hindered him from a 10/10 landing. ☠️
You see that boodie???? ☠️
This was just a funny response to a picture of granny with a fatty. I’ve had this video loaded in the chamber for almost a year ☠️☠️☠️
That’s all I got for now. If you know of any funny tweets feel free to share them with me by mentioning on Twitter @dirtykarolina
I will continue to gather up funny tweets from myself and others every week and post them on the following Saturday!