It’s
been
almost
a
decade
since
the
Star
Wars
franchise
was
reintroduced
in
its
last
trilogy
The
Force
Awakens.
While
fans
had
many
bones
to
pick
with
each
film,
most
of
them
pretty
much
agreed
that
Adam
Driver
taking
on
the
mantle
of
main
villain
was
a
mistake,
respectfully.
As
it
turns
out,
it
seems
like
the
man
himself
didn’t
enjoy
filming
the
projects
much,
which
is
probably
why
he
looked
annoyed
during
most
of
the
films.
According
to
Variety,
Driver
recently
appeared
on
the
SmartLess
podcast
and
spoke
about
his
time
while
filming
the
Star
Wars
trilogy.
He
admitted
that
it
was
an
“exhausting”
experience
and
that
he
wouldn’t
be
interested
in
reprising
his
role
as
Kylo
Ren
in
any
future
projects.
With
Disney+
churning
out
Star
Wars
spinoff
series—which
feature
cameos
from
some
Star
Wars
OGs—
and
rumors
about
a
new
Star
Wars
film
trilogy
in
the
works,
Driver
bluntly
stated:
“I’m
not
doing
any
more”
filming
related
to
anything
going
on
in
a
galaxy
far,
far
away.
Variety
reports:
“You’re
done
because
the
character’s
done?”
podcast
co-host
Sean
Haynes
asked
as
a
follow-up
question,
to
which
Driver
responded:
“Yes.”
“‘Star
Wars’
was
way
more
exhausting
for
me
…
made
it
more
exhausting
than
it
should
have
been,”
Driver
added.
“I
hadn’t
quite
figured
out
the
momentum
of
a
set
that
was
that
big
before.
All
the
things
had
worked
on
were
pretty
small
and
moved
pretty
fast
…
The
director
sets
the
pace
of
the
set.
don’t
like
to
control
that.
have
to
adjust.
Spike
Lee
and
[Steven]
Soderbergh
shoot
really
fast.
For
me
that’s
not
comfortable,
but
it’s
there
movie
and
their
film
so
adjust.”
Can’t
say
we’re
heartbroken
over
the
news.
No
shots.
Continuing
to
talk
about
how
his
character
arc
changed
over
the
course
of
the
trilogy,
Driver
says
that
Kylo
was
supposed
to
get
more
evil
and
darker
with
each
passing
film
as
opposed
to
becoming
a
conflicted
anti-hero
who
didn’t
know
if
he
was
coming
or
going.
From
Variety:
“I
had
an
overall
arc
in
mind
that
[J.J.
Abrams]
wanted
to
do,”
Driver
said.
“His
idea
was
that
[Kylo’s]
journey
was
the
opposite
journey
of
Vader,
where
Vader
starts
the
most
confident
and
the
most
committed
to
the
dark
side.
And
then
by
the
last
movie,
he’s
the
most
vulnerable
and
weak.
He
wanted
to
start
with
the
opposite.
This
character
was
the
most
confused
and
vulnerable,
and
by
the
end
of
the
three
movies,
he
would
be
the
most
committed
to
the
dark
side.
tried
to
keep
that
arc
in
mind,
regardless
if
that
wound
up
not
being
the
journey
anyway,
because
it
changed
while
shooting.
But
was
still
focused
on
that.”
lot
of
fans
always
felt
that
Kylo
Ren
shouldn’t
have
taken
off
his
mask
so
soon
and
rode
that
look
out
Darth
Vader
style
until
the
very
last
film.
But
alas,
he
revealed
himself
and
his
origin
quick-fast
in
the
first
film,
and
it
was
all
downhill
from
there.
Now
that
Daisy
Ridley’s
follow-up
movie
to
The
Rise
of
Skywalker
is
in
the
works,
we
doubt
the
production
team
will
be
contacting
Driver
for
some
kind
of
ghost
cameo.
Especially
because
he
seems
to
have
no
interest
in
returning
to
the
franchise
whatsoever.
Truth
be
told,
we
doubt
fans
even
want
to
see
him
again.
Just
sayin’.
What
do
y’all
think
about
Adam
Driver
not
wanting
to
return
to
the
Star
Wars
franchise?
Will
y’all
miss
him
or
nah?
Let
us
know
in
the
comments
section
below.