Source: Scott Legato / Getty
Seems like Big Latto has had enough. The Atlanta rapper took to Twitter to slam Nicki Minaj for what she described as months of subtweets.
And she didn’t pull any punches.
“I’ve ignored countless subtweets since March and instead addressed u in the dm,” tweeted Latto, @’ing Minaj, so you know it’s real. “You’re asking why I didn’t speak up in ur defense… it’s the same answer I gave u when u asked why I didn’t congratulate you. Ur literally older than my mom tryna be a bully.”
What started the fireworks (because of course Nicki clapped back) was the Grammys moving the Queens rapper’s hit “Super Freaky Girl” from the Rap to the Pop category. Apparently, while sharing her frustration, she suggested Latto’s own hit, “Big Energy,” be given the same treatment from the Recording Academy.
“I have no prob being moved out the RAP category as long as we r ALL being treated FAIRLY. If SFG has 2B moved out RAP then so does Big Energy! ANY1 who says diff is simply a Nicki hater or a troll. I’d actually LUV 2 c a more street record win- male OR female! IJS rightIsRight,” tweeted Minaj.
However, Latto wasn’t exactly on board with the shout-out, tweeting, “Damn I can’t win for losing… all these awards/noms I can’t even celebrate.”
And this is when Nicki responded by calling Latto a Karen.
“This Karen has probably mentioned my name in over 100 interviews. Says she waited in line for Pink Friday w|her Barbie chain on, bangs, pink hair…but today, scratch off decides to be silent; rather than speak up for the black woman she called her biggest inspiration,” tweeted Minaj.
And that’s when Latto went hammer, and basically called Nicki Minaj “old,” which is like challenging someone to a fatal duel in these 2022 rapper Internets.
So they’ve been going back and forth sharing DM’s, reading each other for filth, RT’ing allies and all the usual Twitter feud shenanigans. So of course, social media has been eating it up. Can Latto’s fan stand up to the wrath of the ever-so-toxic Barbz? Only time will tell, but she clearly wants all the smoke.
Peep the back and forth and Twitter reactions below and in the gallery.
This story is developing.