Source: MEGA / Getty
Ye fka Kanye West continues to make even his most devoted fans question their allegiance. The recently less rich rapper attempted to apologize for spreading false claims about George Floyd’s death, but ended up making it all about himself in woe-is-me fashion.
Back when he still had deals with Gap and adidas, Ye stated on Drink Champs that Floyd died because of fentanyl. This, of course, is patently false, with professionals asserting Floyd passed because of a lack of oxygen. as his murderer, Derek Chauvin, knelt directly on his neck.
Soon after, the Floyd family threaten to sue Ye for $250 million for the false statement.
On Friday (Oct. 28), Ye attempted a quasi-apology while speaking to paparazzi. “It hurt my people, it hurt the Black people,” said Ye during a makeshift press conference that listed a little over 15 minutes. “So I want to apologize to hurting them, because right now God is showing me by what Adidas is doing and by what the media is doing — I know how it feels to have a knee on my neck now.”
Yep, Ye is comparing losing a deal to losing your life at the hands of a cop. He could have just stopped at “apologize.”
More recently, on Sunday, Ye took to Instagram to essentially attack the Floyd family and call them “greedy.” In an Instagram post (which of course has since been deleted), Ye came for Roxie Washington, the mother of Floyd’s daughter.
“Now for Roxie Washington and Roxie Washington ALONE,” read West’s of a photo of Washington. “I gave 2 million dollars out of my pocket for the family. To help George’s daughter…Your daughter! … Many gave words. I ACTED. Now because of words you want to sue me for 250 million dollars … when I’m going through an Economic lynching. A Digital Lynching. A Social Credit Score bankrupting.”
He didn’t stop there. “You’re either being controlled or you’re being greedy. This is how you try someone who was there for your family???? You will never get money from no one else. GOD don’t like ugly,” he added.
Subscribing to the Candace Owens school of thought is already costing Ye millions, and it sounds like he’ll be losing more.