![5 Image SEO Optimization Tips [Infographic]](/imgproxy/ElFr38WqLtwxlGUqldjr0Eh5iTHubPz0Fh7TtYZyFFU/g:ce/rs:fill:768:1151:0/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZGl2ZWltYWdlL2ltYWdlX1NFb190aXBzMS5wbmc.png)
Are you looking for ways to speed up your website and improve your SEO? Want to learn how to optimize your website images to get on the right side of Google?
The team from Three Sixtee Digital Marketing share their image SEO tips in this infographic.
Here’s what they cover:
- Image format
- File sizes
- Image pixel sizes
- Compression
- ALT tags
Check out the infographic for more detail.
![5 Image SEO Optimization Tips [Infographic] 5 Image SEO Optimization Tips [Infographic]](/imgproxy/ElFr38WqLtwxlGUqldjr0Eh5iTHubPz0Fh7TtYZyFFU/g:ce/rs:fill:768:1151:0/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZGl2ZWltYWdlL2ltYWdlX1NFb190aXBzMS5wbmc.png)
A version of this post was first published on the Red Website Design blog.